Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thanksgiving Point

Yesterday Jenna, Joyce and I went to Thanksgiving Point with Joyces parents. I had no idea what it was until I walked in a saw all the flowers! They were gorgous!! It was really cool the way they set everything up and it must have cousted tons of money! Theres this part at Thanksgiving Point called Secret Garden. If you know there is a book called the Secret Garden and it is really cool because it has a door leading in to this little room type thing it was cool. It was my favorite one there. My other favorite one would have to be the fish. The fish there were so ugly! If you would just make your hand look like you were giving them food they would freak out I say they are crazy fish! All they want is food. Joyces mom gave us a quarter because you can buy fish food. We really wanted to see how the fish would act when we gave them food! Once we got to the fish we put the quarter in and got the food. When we dropped them in the fish went SYCO!! It was so crazy. We went and got ready to leave. After we left we went to the Mall and ate dinner. We had Arbys yum! Once we were done we left and desided to have a sleepover and we had a sleepover and its the morning where i am now.


xXxSkaterxXx said...

lol that was fun and pretty